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Chapter 1 General Introduction of Biosensors
Chapter 2 Design, Fabrication of Optical Sensors and Applications
Chapter 3 From Proof-of-Concept to Product: Design and Simulation of MEMS for Diagnosis Chapter 4 Biomolecular Interactions and Surface Chemistry for Biosensors
Chapter 5 Crafting Tomorrow’s Diagnostics: Metal Nanoparticles in Biosensors – Types, Synthesis, and Future Frontiers in Health, Environment, and Food Safety
Chapter 6 Empowering Biosensors: The Surface Functionalization Strategies of Metal Nanoparticles for Enhanced Diagnostics
Chapter 7 Boron Effects Ultra-Sensitive Detection of Biosensor Chapter 8 MIP Based Biosensors
Chapter 9. Applications, Tools and Techniques for Characterization and Analysis of Biosensors Chapter 10. Recent Developments on Microfluidic Microbial Fuel Cells Technologies for Biosensor Research
Chapter 11. Nexus of Nanotechnology and Cancer: Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment
Oneofthebiggestgapsindiagnosingdiseasesrangingfrominfectiousdiseasestocancerisearlydiagnosis. Today, biosensortechnologyhasthepotentialtorevolutionizeearlydiagnosisofmanydiseasesinacost-ef- fective, fast, and reliable manner. Biosensor technology has been shaped by contributions from various disciplines such as chemistry, physics, engineering, biology, medicine, and pharmacy, from the design and productiontotheoptimizationofbiosensors.Therefore,thisbookprovidesanswerstothequestionofwhi- chstagesareinvolvedindevelopingabiosensorandwhatitsfinalapplicationareasare.Theaimofthisbook is to provide a broad range of information, from basic knowledge to applications in the field of biosensors. Today, from biomedical engineering to materials engineering, and from medicine to pharmacy, this book serves as a fundamental resource for all courses related to biosensors in master’s and doctoral programs at various institutes in Turkey and around the world. Especially for higher education candidates, researchers, andthosenewtobiosensors,thissourcebookwillhelpthemeasilyunderstandthecontributionsandimpa- ctsofdifferentdisciplinesinthedevelopmentofbiosensorsandtheirapplications.Itaimstoconveythefun- damentalsandapplicationsofinnovativetechnologiesaccurately.Composedof10separatechapterswritten by15activeandexperiencedresearchersinthefield,thisbookcoversallrelatedsubtopicsandservesasan easily understandable handbook for anyone interested in this field. It is hoped that this book will provide endlesscontributionstoeveryoneinterestedinthefieldofbiosensors.
ISBN | 9786253751913 |
Basım Yılı | 2024 |
Sayfa Sayısı | 230 |
Editör(ler) | Sümeyra SAVAŞ |
BISAC | TEC064000 |
DOI | 10.37609/akya.3400 |